Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Tumor" (2012)

I drew this almost two years ago, and while it doesn't require much explanation, I wanted to share it with our readers. It is about carrying baggage; mental, emotional, physical, etc. and the idea is that some things feel like they are so cumbersome and restrictive, I/you/we can't carry on life without being hindered by them.

I wrote and recorded an album that year (HOME) and used this image for the song "Old Boy," which was about feeling like I had accumulated so much stress and disappointment at a relatively young age that I dragged it around behind me everywhere I went. A few months later, I edited the photo to use as a desktop, with surgical incision lines between the person and the tumor, to remind myself that carrying emotional baggage is a choice, and that if I don't want to, I don't have to.


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