Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Moirae - Eternitarian (2013)

Eternitarian is Moirae's first full-length release, and after more than three years of working together as a band, it is clear that this album marks the band hitting their stride with a unique mix of calculated fury and grace.

Artwork: Aric Meerbott, guitarist of Moirae, handles all graphical aspects of the band, and Eternitarian's artwork is perfectly matched to the ethereal, evocative feeling that the album gives throughout. What's more, the cassette release of Eternitarian has subtly different artwork, reworked to fit and flourish in the rectangular cassette case.

Structure: The album is a seven-track narrative (for a full explanation of the narrative, see our interview with the band) where the songs simply flow as chapters.

Sound: Nailing down each flavor mixed in this album is like reading the menu at the Boll Weevil. "Tomato apple soup . . .?" However it sounds, it works - and works well. The opening track is simply a wash of beautiful chord shapes, dense with the serene atmosphere that returns frequently throughout the entire album. The inertia picks up immediately into the second track, and the interesting blends of post-hardcore progressions, complex meters and interestingly structured chords creates a unique feeling that characterizes Eternitarian - song after song, you will be surprised and pleased with the blending of styles that consistently succeeds and improves upon itself. Shoegaze lays with post-rock, sludge and hardcore bed down together, etc. The best part of this release is the production quality - each nuanced note, each chord and rhythmic stroke comes through perfectly. The louder you play it, the clearer it becomes.

Lyrics: Eternitarian is an epic story told in vibrant prose from beginning to end. The lyrics read like a Terry Brooks novel or a screen play to a Tolkien film - evocative, purposeful, and plot-driven.

Significant Facts: At their October 27th show at Sector 7G, vocalist René approached a cell phone-using attendee directly in front of the band, touched the cell phone and said, "Please put that away, for me," folding his hands, all while the band behind him was playing full speed ahead.

For Fans Of: Isis, Mastodon, Slowdive, Beloved, Between The Buried And Me

Favorite Lyrics: I've been known by many names
But I won't be known as the Destroyer
I've been known by many names
But you have known me as God

Favorite Track: Farewell
  1. Postmortem
  2. Farewell
  3. Ascent
  4. Solivagant
  5. Phantom Limb
  6. Second Turning: An Awakening
  7. Eternitarian
Rating: 4.5 / 5 

Buy: Merch site coming soon!
Listen: bandcamp /// facebook
Interview: October 27th

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