Thursday, July 31, 2014

Satin Sulfur #5 - Shifting Shadow

Shifting Shadow is a testament to time. A few years ago, I drew a whimsical sketch of two boys running up a tree to a treehouse. The person who inspired the treehouse sketch and I are both avid Converge fans, and the band Converge put out a record in 2012 called All We Love We Leave Behind whose cover features what amounts to a stylized chart of moon phases. After several years of friendship, during which the person and I grew a great deal, I wondered what we would be like in twenty or thirty years, even fifty. Shifting Shadow is a simple piece, featuring two friends under a passing moon, beneath the tree they played on as children. I could try to cram a profound statement at the end of this, but I won't.

Oddly enough, the fourth piece of the series is not complete yet, although this, the fifth, was complete a week ago. Plans are coming together for publication in the near future. Just a little longer.


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