Saturday, August 1, 2015

Issue 1

Rough Patch Reviews has become Black Cloud Talk, a monthly music blog that seeks to push music and ideas that have either not received enough attention or could interest certain readers. The blog has been down for a year, so I'm going to be playing catch-up on some releases that might not be brand new. I would love to include submissions in future issues, so feel free to send anything you feel is blog-worthy to:

Future issues will include show photos, pre-order info for upcoming releases, more interviews, and the occasional art piece.

Also, the Shows section of Black Cloud Talk is going to be a continually updated source for shows within 100-ish miles of Augusta, GA, going back as far as I can find information for shows. If you have any flyers for shows that don't have flyers, please send them to me so that they can be attached. Eventually, the Shows section will be a complete catalog of Augusta DIY shows.

Until September.


"When his grandchildren had been little, they had asked if they could hide inside the clock. Now he wanted to gather them and open himself up and hide them among his ribs and faintly ticking heart. When he realized that the silence by which he had been confused was that of all of his clocks having been allowed to wind down, he understood that he was going to die in the bed where he lay."


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